CORONA Virus, I want to put my two cents to the subject!

CORONA Virus, I want to put my two cents to the subject!

Dear friends,

since the whole world is talking about the CORONA virus, I would like to add my two cents, too. But from a different perspective than the messages and encouragement that have been preached everywhere in the last weeks in the online services. Among other things, we heard that we should not be afraid, and we must trust God.

But in this blog, I would like to encourage us to reflect on the following statement, namely: CORONA-Virus + Social Distancing = New possibilities

Yes, you heard it right: this epidemic can create new opportunities for all of us

Year of Many Opportunities Part 2

Year of Many Opportunities Part 2

Hello friends,

I admit it, our blogs are scarce this year! But do not worry, we are doing fine and we believe that each and every one of you is doing fine as well!

There are lot of good news about the goodness and faithfulness of God, both in my personal life as well as in the life of our church.

As God predicted through our Senior Pastor earlier this year, we are in the year of many opportunities. We should make room for the big harvest, we should dream big and do great things for our God and do not hold anything back!!! (Isaiah 54, 2-3)

In fact, such God-given opportunities came across our ways!

Year of Many Opportunities

Year of Many Opportunities

Have you been wondering what the Year 2019 will bring? Every Year brings with it, a fresh beginning and new opportunities to pursue individually and collectively the dreams God has given to you. This year, God is bringing MANY OPPORTUNITIES across your way so: Dream BIG!

Expect great things from God and attempt great things for God”.

Make room in your heart, believe and trust God for opportunities and recognize all your opportunities every day.

God is good

God is good

Dear friends,

I would like to be personal in this new blog. God is so good to me, He was and is always there for me. I do not know where to start!

First of all, I want to give God all the glory with my testimony of my life and give Him all the honor that belongs to Him alone. Then I want to encourage you to entrust your life to God: God is really what He says He is, He actually has everything He says He has and He can do exactly what He says He can do. Lastly, I want to confirm to you - from my experience with God - that only He alone has the best, satisfying and fulfilling plan for your life. I am a living witness for that.

How do you navigate the seasons in your life

How do you navigate the seasons in your life

I think most of us realize that our lives are built out of different seasons or times. The thing that bothers us a little bit is the TIME OF TRANSITION between the seasons. I went through some transitions in my life that I have mastered well and others not so well. Therefore, I decided to dig into scripture and find out what the bible has to say about this topic. So in this blog I would like to share with you the revelation/knowledge/experience that I have…

Look at a selfie of Jesus!

Look at a selfie of Jesus!

My dear friends, here we are again in 2018! A new year, new season, new beginning, new perspective, new opportunities for everyone. I pray that we make the best of it with God's help!

We got to know God better in 2017 with our mini-series on His character traits. That helps us to put our relationship with Him in order and I do hope that some of you (those who did not know God) have made a step by entering into a relationship with Him. Listen: you would never regret having done that!

Dear God, your ID please V

Dear God, your ID please V

Dear friends, I want to end the year 2017 with the last part of our mini-series on God's character traits. Today we will talk about God's Holiness!

A man named Isaiah finds himself in the middle of the temple in Jerusalem in a vision. At this time, the temple in Jerusalem was among the largest man-made buildings in the world - bigger than the Cologne Cathedral. He was so fascinated by the size and beauty of the temple that his knees began to tremble and he could only whisper the word that naturally comes to human minds in places like this: Big (Wow, this is big!)

Dear God, Your ID please! IV

Dear God, Your ID please! IV

"The Lord passed in front of him and proclaimed: The Lord, The Lord! A God who is compassionate and merciful, very patient, full of great loyalty and faithfulness..."
Exodus 34:6

Dear friends, after a little break we are continuing the series on God's character traits. We have already come to know God as Love, Faithful and Good, so let us discover Him today from another perspective: God is patient! He doesn't just show us patience, He Himself  is Patience.

Dear God, Your ID please! II

Dear God, Your ID please! II

Today I want to talk to you about God's faithfulness. The Bible is full of verses that confirm God's faithfulness: He is the Faithful Creator, the Faithful Giver, God is faithful to forgive our sins etc. As I have already said in my last blog faithfulness, like every other character trait of God, expresses what God is like in His nature and His way of acting.

Dear God, Your ID please! I

Dear God, Your ID please! I

Nowadays, nobody can deny God's existence because everyone is aware of a higher power that has created the universe. The question is no longer whether God exists or not but rather which conception or idea we have of/about God. For a genuine and true conception of God it is not only crucial to have a living relationship with Him, but it is also the very foundation for a practical life of faith. So who is God? What are God ways of acting?

Extraordinary/Supernatural Life

Extraordinary/Supernatural Life

I read the book "EXTRAORDINARY" by John Bevere last year, which is the basis for my blog today. The book deals with some biblical truths that I myself have applied or continue to apply and which I would like to share with you. My goal is to encourage you to seek this extraordinary/supernatural life that God has promised us.

The Power of Vision

The Power of Vision

I am happy to see you again this year and talk about the practical application of God's words in our life with you!   

We have finished 2016 with the topic of "gratefulness", a heart attitude that will make us recall every year that has passed with joy and at the same time we can't wait for the next years that are to come. Talking of New Year, what kind of Vision do you have for your life in 2017?