Hello friends,
I admit it, our blogs are scarce this year! But do not worry, we are doing fine and we believe that each and every one of you is doing fine as well!
There are lot of good news about the goodness and faithfulness of God, both in my personal life as well as in the life of our church.
As God predicted through our Senior Pastor earlier this year, we are in the year of many opportunities. We should make room for the big harvest, we should dream big and do great things for our God and do not hold anything back!!! (Isaiah 54, 2-3)
In fact, such God-given opportunities came across our ways!
- Personally: I got married this year - Alleluia, God is good -
Last year about this time, I could not have imagined it. Not because I did not trust God, but because of the way God introduced my husband into my life. Since January 2017, the Lord confirmed to me that my husband would be on his way (lol), so I was supposed to prepare myself spiritually, mentally, physically, etc.. and so I did (by God's grace) with full expectation. I even wrote a diary about this journey (Remember Habakkuk 2, 2-3: Write down the message I am showing you in a vision. The message I give you waits for the time I have appointed. It speaks about what is going to happen. And all of it will come true. It might take a while. But wait for it. You can be sure it will come. It will happen when I want it to.)
At God’s-right time, my husband showed up but not in the "package" I wanted him to be in (hahaha).
See, even pastors can be wrong sometimes! But one thing I have always known for sure: I can trust God with all my heart, but I cannot trust my mind (Proverbs 3: 5-7). Well, I just trusted Him and today I'm joyfully married.
God knows each one of us best and knows whom He can connect us to, so that we can fulfill His plans and purposes for our lives. It´s not about us but it’s all about God! My husband and I have decided to use our marriage to please, honor and glorify God. We do not claim to be perfect, but we believe and trust the One (God) who is perfect and makes us perfect in Christ. That's why we look forward to this divine adventure unto eternity…
One more thing: It's true that "Two people are better than one… and a rope made out of three cords isn't easily broken” (Ecclesiastes 4, 9-12). We both help each other ... With God on our side, we are an undefeatable team. Praise the Lord!
- Concerning GZK: God has given a wonderful opportunity to our church but I won’t go into detail as for now. We believe and have the confidence that God is bringing our church into another season and a higher level. We are claiming our CANAAN land...
We are about to enlarge our tent and make room for the many "spiritual" children thar are coming.
Very soon you will get detailed information about our "GZK Vision 2020” in a special blog and on our website, Facebook and Instagram profiles.
So stay tuned and be full of expectations!
We would be glad to have you as a partner for this upcoming project so that we can enlarge the Kingdom of God for Cologne together.
Do not forget: 2019 is the year of many opportunities, for you too!!!
Remain blessed