Dear friends,
since the whole world is talking about the CORONA virus, I would like to add my two cents, too. But from a different perspective than the messages and encouragement that have been preached everywhere in the last weeks in the online services. Among other things, we heard that we should not be afraid, and we must trust God. He is our father, refuge, fortress, healer, etc. Psalm 91 and 2 Timothy 1:7 are rightly the most quoted Bible verses in recent times and we should believe and use them!
But in this blog, I would like to encourage us to reflect on the following statement, namely: CORONA-Virus + Social Distancing = New possibilities
Yes, you heard it right: this epidemic can create new opportunities for all of us (personally, as family, community, city, country, world). We should stop asking WHY does COVID 19 exist, but rather we should ask how we can create new opportunities from this sh... situation.
As Christians, our approach to every situation (even bad ones) should be different from the world. Friends, God has never promised us that life here on earth will always be peace, joy & pancakes. We live in a fallen world! So: when life throws us bitter "lemons" like Corona, let's make lemonade out of that!
I know it's easier said than done. The best example is the current situation. Instead of seeing new possibilities from it, we complain, we make ourselves sick from worries & fears and we have a pity party where we pull everyone around us down in this wrong reaction.
This is not God's way for us as Christians to react in difficult, uncomfortable situations. Let us learn to deal with the current situation in a different way. It starts with each one of us. And then we can positively impact the people around us and make a difference. By doing so, those who do not yet have an idea of Jesus can see and recognize what it means to be light of the world and salt of the earth. Do you remember? In Matthew 5:13-14 Jesus gave us this commission. Let me tell you an anecdote about this: my husband and I visited friends who are not yet Christians at the beginning of this exceptional situation (before the curfew). They were amazed that we were confident and full of hope for ourselves and others despite the difficult situation in the country. We encouraged them and had fun with them. They asked us many "questions about life" which gave us the opportunity to be light and salt.
The current situation is very serious everywhere and as the Chancellor said: we have not seen such an exceptional situation in the world since the 2nd World War. In other words, we are in a difficult and unpredictable situation.
What should we do now? Helplessly wait and watch the Corona virus pack its bags and disappear as it came? Or fall into one depression after another out of fear and anxiety? Or enjoy the additional unplanned paid vacation (Hello to the Home Officers hihihi) until boredom overtakes us?
No, these are not good alternatives! The Bible shows us how to deal with big problems and challenges. Even Jesus, our role model uses the principle (problem + challenges = New possibilities) to help, heal, teach truths or give correction in love. Think about the multiplication of breads & fishes, the changing of water into the best wine etc. Also, in the Old Testament there are several examples with Noah, Moses, Abraham, David and co. where we can see that every challenge also holds a potential for new possibilities.
What concrete possibilities does the Corona-situation offer us?
- First, we have enough time now to invest in our spiritual life: pray, read our Bible, read good Christian books, listen to sermons, etc. James 4:8 says: "Come close to God, and He will come close to you”. There are no more excuses why we do not have "Quality Time" with the Lord. Corona is giving us a top offer right now: please accept it with joy and spend more time listening to God and talking to Him.
- As Christians we are learning in this situation what it means to pray for other people and those who are in authority. Let's not fool ourselves, most of us were praying selfish prayers before the Corona time (Lord bless me, give me, help me). In 1 Timothy 2:1-2 Paul encourages us to pray for all people as well as for countries, governments, mayors, prime ministers, employers, etc. We should not do this out of duty, but out of our Christian responsibility.
- We are living in a society in which authorities are not respected. This is a wrong behavior that we pass on to our children. But thanks to Corona, we can learn to respect the authorities. So, instead of rejecting the restrictive measures, let us follow the instructions (hygiene, contact, exit restriction, etc.) of the government and health authorities and show them respect by this way. As the above-mentioned verse says, our peace and rest depend on the good decisions they make.
- A good opportunity now is to take the time to reflect/think/meditate. God has not given us a brain for nothing, so we should use it regularly! As modern people, we have forgotten this discipline, but now we can seclude ourselves from time to time to reflect, evaluate, and analyze our life, our relationship with God, and the world (2 Timothy 2:7). Try it! You will be amazed at things you can discover about yourself.
- After thinking, we should also make good decisions for the life after Corona. I tell you, there will be a life BEFORE and a life AFTER Corona: Why? Quite simply! This epidemic shows how vulnerable and fragile human beings are (1 Peter 1:24-25). So now we could get our priorities right and focus on what God sees as important and eternal. If we do not do it now, then when???
- We should enjoy this “slowed down” life. How many of us have lived a life like “fast & furious”? I think almost all of us! Our life was quite hectic and stressful, (more and more...) so that many of us were only "functioning" like a machine until we were slowed down by the Corona Epidemic. We got so used to this fast life that we don't even know how it feels to be aware of every single hour of the day! Please let us come down, our bodies and souls will thank us later (Psalm 90:12)
- Despite social distancing this Corona-situation brings us closer than before. On the one hand, before the Corona period, many couples or family members were seeing each other only between the doorstep because of their jobs, school or studies. Now, as a family, we can spend quality time together (eating, playing, talking with one another, etc.). On the other hand, we have now time and a reason to contact all these relatives & friends whom we always wanted to call and never had time to do so (Ephesians 4:32)
- Last but not least on my "possibilities list": This new situation has made the church creative in spreading the gospel. I believe we can reach people more than ever before through the social media and introduce Jesus as the solution for everything. God is opening great doors for Christians all over the world. The church is leaving his 4 walls and "going into the whole world and preaches the good news to everyone" (Mark 16:15).
There are many other opportunities in this Corona-time. But here again I appeal to everyone: Discover the opportunities for you, your families, your city, your country and make use of them!!!
Remain blessed and healthy